Osprey Hotel Weddings

Capture the magic of weddings at The Osprey Hotel with exquisite photography services. Create timeless memories in a charming Kildare setting.

Photo Gallery of Osprey Hotel Weddings

Civil Wedding Osprey Hotel | Kildare | Holst Photography Ireland

Elevating Your Wedding Through Photography at The Osprey Hotel

Introduction to Photography Services

Step into my world of photography, where I specialize in capturing the enchanting essence of weddings held at The Osprey Hotel, nestled in the charming town of Naas in County Kildare, just 40 minutes away from Dublin.

Exquisite Venue for Memorable Occasions

Discover the picturesque backdrop of The Osprey Hotel, offering a versatile setting that caters to both intimate gatherings and grand celebrations with up to 350 guests.

Exceptional Commitment to Excellence

Experience The Osprey Hotel’s unparalleled dedication to excellence with their exclusive “one wedding per day” policy, ensuring that you and your partner receive undivided attention and meticulous care for every detail.

Elegant Accommodations and Comfort

Indulge in the elegant ambiance of The Osprey Hotel, with 108 meticulously designed bedrooms featuring a range of options, from classic and executive rooms to junior and duplex suites, as well as two magnificent penthouses with scenic balconies, ensuring comfort and charm for you and your guests.

Magnificent Banqueting Suite and Outdoor Serenity

Create everlasting memories at The Osprey Hotel’s grand banqueting suite, accommodating up to 280 guests. Whether you prefer indoor celebrations or outdoor enjoyment, the hotel provides umbrellas and outdoor heating, ensuring your comfort as you revel in the joyous atmosphere surrounded by the tranquil courtyard, featuring a stunning fountain as a captivating backdrop for your unforgettable photoshoot.

Tranquil Retreat and Pampering

Discover comfortable seating areas and intimate nooks throughout the venue, inviting heartfelt conversations under the starlit skies. Prepare for your special day or unwind post-celebration at the on-site beauty spa, offering luxurious treatments and a refreshing pool dip to envelop you in tranquility and bliss.

Immortalizing Precious Moments Through Photography

As your dedicated wedding photographer, I take pride in capturing the love, joy, and exquisite details of your special day at The Osprey Hotel. From the opulent banqueting suite to the captivating courtyard, every facet of this venue serves as a canvas for creating breathtaking images that will transport you back to your cherished moments, ensuring no precious memory goes unnoticed.

Choose The Osprey Hotel for Timeless Memories

Select The Osprey Hotel as the enchanting backdrop for your wedding day, and entrust me to craft a visual narrative that beautifully encapsulates the emotions and beauty of your celebration, freezing time in photographs that will be treasured for generations to come.